Friday, August 30, 2019

Aug 23rd - 30th

Welcome Back!  We have had a busy week of school and we just wanted to share some pictures of things we have done.  I would encourage you to sign up for our blog (upper right hand corner of this page) so you will receive notifications when I have updated the information.  It is always my goal to update the blog weekly.

STEM Activity - The kids had to figure out what shape (circle, triangle, square) tower would hold the most books.  Did the color matter?

Composting - An activity new this year is composting our lunches.  Mrs. Steward came and gave a presentation about composting to the class.  We then went out to the garden the kids planted last year, to see the growth and discuss which items could be composted. Along with how compost would improve the garden.

Math - Building shapes with straws, identifying the figure's attributes.

Social Studies: Reviewing our vocabulary in the Social Studies book through a scavenger hunt.

Language Arts - Our first unit is poems.  The kids already have written two different types - shape poems and one adapted from Beans, Beans, Beans by Lucia and James Hymes (1960)

Classroom Book A Day is completed for our first week.  Looks like the favorite was The Legend of Rock, Paper and Scissors.  The goal is to read a picture book a day just for fun!  We also have some good reflections as part of this activity.